So. Utah Rifle Pics
10/28/06 4:58pm
I have been reading everyone's posts for quite some time now but I finally figured out how to register. I love this web site and the way everybody treats each other. I am trying to post some pictures from the '06 rifle hunt in southern Utah so I hope they work. The 5x5 was killed by my father-in-law opening morning and the three point was taken by my brother. The last picture is my uncle's deer and I don't know the story on it yet but I will let you know as soon as I find out. They were all killed in the same general area but on different days. The 5 point and 3 point were both about 24-25 inches wide but I don't know the measurements yet on the biggest one. I will find out and let everybody know. " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />

those are some fantastic bucks, congrats to all of you. And WOW that last one is very impressive, not take away from the others. Look forward to your post and more info.
Thanks for registering and sharing. I really enjoy having some more local guys around and aboard the site.
Great place you live with some SWEET hunting.
:good post
That last one is a real HOG though....SWEET!
Lookin' forward to future posts from ya.