Solar panel hooked up to trail cam

Can a trail Cam with a 12 volt input be rigged to work of a mini solar panel, like something you can buy at Harbor Freight.

Also, does anyone know if those panels store energy or would they be pointless because the Cam wouldnt have power at night when there is no sun
i would think you would need to have them wired to rechargable batteries of some sort or all of the potential is wasted IM(unexperienced)O.
Yes you will probably need a rechargable battery pack of some kind.
OK... so I would rig it to charge the rechargeable batteries during the day and then the batteries would take over at night...
"PhillyB" wrote:OK... so I would rig it to charge the rechargeable batteries during the day and then the batteries would take over at night...
It seems to me that it would work like a camp trailer solar panel. The panel would send a constant trickle charge to the batteries. The camera would draw from the batteries as needed. Even the moonlight sends a small charge to the batteries so a clear night would allow for some charging.
It can be done for sure, I haven't done it though but know guys have done so.
"MuleyMadness" wrote:It can be done for sure, I haven't done it though but know guys have done so.
Do you know of any write ups or instructions?
I'll do some research and let you know, I think I remember seeing one somewhere but can't remember when or where. #-o
Springville Shooter
I can help you with a solar system if you want, I work with them all the time. I have used the small panels from harbor freight and I would assume that they would provide plenty of power to maintain a small battery plant that would run your camera forever. Just to be safe, it would be good to get the current rate of your camera to find out how robust the system would need to be. One thing to remember is that panels must have full sunlight to provide anywhere near their rated output. I would also add a small inexpensive regulator to protect the electronics in your camera.--------SS
Shooter... once the cameras arrive I will be in touch.

I don't have any of the parts yet... but stuff should be arriving shortly
Springville Shooter
Are these cameras set up for an external 12v power supply? I'm not familiar with trail cams, but I assumed that they ran on a battery pack of some sort?----------SS
Shooter- Sorry for taking so long in getting back to this thread...

Here is what l have...

This is what i had in mind for running as a solar panel

The Game cam has a hookup for an auxiliary 12v source...

l have access to using batteries of this sort

I have the thought of hooking up a 6V battery wired to the 12v Auxiliary port, then using the solar panel to trickle charge the 6v battery during the day.

What are your thoughts...
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"Springville Shooter" wrote:I can help you with a solar panels if you want, I work with them all the time. I have used the small panels from harbor freight and I would assume that they would provide plenty of power to maintain a small battery plant that would run your camera forever. Just to be safe, it would be good to get the current rate of your camera to find out how robust the system would need to be. One thing to remember is that panels must have full sunlight to provide anywhere near their rated output. I would also add a small inexpensive regulator to protect the electronics in your camera.--------SS
hello friend can you share some more information about the solar panels system you are using? I am looking to install solar panels for fulfilling my home energy needs so please help with some useful details..