Solo Climbing?

Never done it and now never will after watching this... :)


I might have tried something like that during my invincable years, say from 17-22 years old. Amazing how a few years can add so much wisdom to a person!

Truly amazing to say the least in what he did!
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The last time I did that was when I was 19 years old. I was alone and ended up spending 12 days in the hospital after crawling to my car after the fall. It took many months after, at home to recover. I can't believe I'm still alive, but only fell 40 or 50 feet which was a blessing. This kid is good and has courage for sure.
Too much risk there for me. I like to play within the guidelins of "I could get hurt doing this." I kind of like to keep death off of the table as much as possible.

That said...that guy is a crazy good climber.
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That guy is absolutely nuts. I could probably make it the first few feet but when I looked down it would all be over. :))
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Is that legal? How do you get down? Thats an amazing kid. As for my chickenbutt no way no how. I've repelled out of choppers, gone threw miles of swamps at night no boat,dozens of night dives but even if I had the strength no way.
Awesome climber but is probably bound to get hurt sometime.