Some good finds but frustrating

Went out last weekend with wildantlerman, we found a few. The weather was not good on Sunday but the two days before was great hiking weather. We hiked many times to only be frustrated to find wheeler tracks where they should not be. If ya must ride off road where ya shouldn't, keep your eyes peeled, ya never know where team WAM or others may be watching and writing down information. Best part is, the brownie I found was only 15 feet from wheeler tracks! Here's some pics, hope you enjoy. The whitey in the fourth pic is the four point in the second pic on the left after being wammed up.
Job well done, I hear ya on the 4-wheelers. Only been out once this year and there were tracks were I was also.

I like the ATL in the tree. :thumb
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Hey that ATL in the tree is pretty cool!! I'm glad you found one close to the wheeler tracks, and even more happy the wheelers missed it! You guys did have a pretty great day picking them up though, you got some nice ones there, good job!

That WAM stuff works pretty dang good, I haven't seen it used before! :)
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What is WAM? and I do believe yall found some nice sheds, here in michigan finding anything is really cool but even a good 5x5 would not have as much bone as one of the smaller sheds yall are finding. My father and I are very excited about coming out to Utah this fall to hunt. I showed him some muley pictures last night and you could see his eyes brighten as he looked at them. He will be 75 and a half when he goes on his first mule deer hunt!!
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WAM is a natural and all organic antler refurbisher, that was created by wildantlerman. You will not find anything better to restore the look of your antlers. It brings hard white antlers back to as if they were still packing on the animals head. Check out his web site
Good job guys! =D>
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Nice fresh horns. I'm new to using this site and don't know how to post anything if someone could help me out.