Some of my last images from 2011

I have been getting the itch to get out scouting and have been going through some photos that I was able to capture with my cams last year and thought I would share them. I bet everybody is starting to get the urge to get in the field.
one hunting fool
I for one have the itch. great pics and thanks for feeding the hunger for the high country. AWESOME bear by the way
Nice pics, that Elk in the last pic?
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It was a bachelor group of muley bucks that I was tracking right before the opening of the archery season. They liked to use this draw to feed later in the day so I set up my camera to pattern their movements here. I had it dialed in until a group of around 20 people decided to camp out and snowboard on some of these patches of snow two days before opening day. They scared these deer into another zone and completely shot my chance at them. After that, all I saw was does.
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Here are a couple of close-ups from the group. I made the other files were a little small and they are hard to see.

Here is one of the deer from the group:
Great pics! It looks like you hunt some picturesque places... just the background of some of those pictures is amazing.