Some Scouting Photos (pics)

Took the wife & kids up to the Sierra Mtn. Range to scout for next weeks hunt. With almost no snow in the high country, many of the big bucks just haven't come down. Here are a few photos of some bucks I did get some photos of.

Let's start out with these are forkies:" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

Some medium Bucks:" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

Now here's one I'd probably shoot an arrow at. If he was a matched 4x4, he'd score in the 180's. Long main beams, G4's, mass, and width makes him a mature buck. I was able to crawl fairly close! :)" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
Pretty bucks, and YES Roy you need some snow to drop the big boys off.

Surely you saw some bigger ones your holding out on us. :)

Lots of cool forkies, and the last buck is real pretty.

Best of luck next week, hope you get a good opportunity with the long range booms around.
Great pics Roy! Yea, that last one is a pretty buck too.

Good luck on the upcoming hunt!
Great photo's
Go get em my friend... I wish you all the luck... :thumb
Roy, those are some nice ones! Good luck on your hunt.

Nice to see you in MuleyCrazy this month with that Colorado buck!
I would definitely let an arrow fly at the big boy. That's a sweet buck. Good luck!
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Those are some great pics, is that the area you will be hunting? What kind of camera do you use? :)
Glad you enjoyed the photos guys......

Those are some great pics, is that the area you will be hunting? What kind of camera do you use?

Yes, I get to chase these critters with a bow starting Saturday. Been up scouting them for a while trying to increase my odds. I drew the most coveted tag in CA.....the Goodale Late Season Buck hunt. Over 4000 folks put in for the 25 tags every year......guess it was finally my turn.

The camera I'm using is a digital Panasonic FZ50. It has a Leica 12X optical zoom lens and easy to understand functions for techno dummies like me. ](*,)
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Hats off to you. Wow, is that cool. Enjoy your hunt and keep us informed. A few years ago I drew an Arizona archery bull tag in unit one which has similar odds. I spent 10 days overwhelmed by the biggest bulls I have ever seen, it was spectacular. At one point I was trying to go unnoticed by a 360 Satelite bull while trying to get in on one of the two massive herd bulls. Again congrats, savor every moment and take lots of pictures. :thumb
"Joe" wrote:Hats off to you. Wow, is that cool. Enjoy your hunt and keep us informed. A few years ago I drew an Arizona archery bull tag in unit one which has similar odds. I spent 10 days overwhelmed by the biggest bulls I have ever seen, it was spectacular. At one point I was trying to go unnoticed by a 360 Satelite bull while trying to get in on one of the two massive herd bulls. Again congrats, savor every moment and take lots of pictures. :thumb
how did you do on that hunt? would love to see a picture :thumb
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Killerbee, I'm embarrassed to tell you that I was so excited about that hunt that I forgot not only my camera and raingear, but I also forgot my my personal clean up kit which held my ( nature paper ).

Looking back now some 12 years later, I could have and certainly should have shot one of many very nice bulls that came in, but I tried holding out for one of those two monster bulls that I will never forget watching, and I ended my best ever elk hunt eating tag soup. In one perfect Arizona evening etched forever in my memory, I cow called in 4 bulls within 25 yards that were each as big as any bull I have ever called in since.

I was younger and a lot less skilled at elk hunting than, and it would be fair to say I was trying hard to hunt way above my ability at that time. But I hope and pray each year that I will draw that tag just one more time. :)
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great pics. It's always fun when you can get right upon em!!!!