Something Smells 303 Co. buck

LOL looks like Guy let one go in his pants just from holding them. LOL he looks scared. He must be thinking i better not drop this set. I know I would have filled my boots up.
yep. id need to change my shorts for
As I have said twice today HOLY CRAP
I don't know if I can take any more, some of these deer this year. My crap Im going to go crazy it is MADDNESS
funny to hear so guys bitc and moan yet HUGE deer are falling. Best thing that ever happen in Co. was puttin deer on a draw.
ummm..Guys thats Guy Eastman from Powell WY of the Eastman outdoor show family, and his huge Wyobuck he killed this season. I read in the Eastman Hunting Journal he had killed a huge one and the next issue will have the story in. It may be on tv also soon.
...well maybe it was a Colobuck, I forget what state he got it in. Nevertheless its the real deal.
The kid got it
I knew I seen them antlers somewhere. They look good on Guy tho. :))
Does everything look bigger when Guy holds them? :))

All joking aside, that is one huge deer. Congrats to the young man who harvested a buck of a lifetime.
I found out from my friend in ColoSpings, who knows the boy that killed it, that Eastmans picked up the buck from the boy and is having it mounted and the boy will be with it as its displayed. I know that boy and his dad have GOT to be proud.

I was thinking maybe we would see it at the Denver Outdoor Expo(but thats just my guess).
Only trouble with seeing racks like this. :-k

It makes my bucks look soooo small. #-o
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A 14 year old kid killed the buck in Colorado on a youth hunt, Guy Eastman had nothing to do with it.
The Eastman's have only purchased the rights to have it travel with their mule deer collection show.

Here is Guy's actual quote-

"This is a true monster mule deer. This buck was killed last month by a 14 year old youth hunter named Kyle Lopez from Divide, CO. It is over 303-inches net B&C and will be the largest buck ever taken by a youth as well as the largest mule deer taken in over 20 years. The buck has 41 points and a 37 2/8 inch outside spread. The main frame alone on this buck is over 207-inches with over 100-inches of non-typical stacked on."

"We have secured the buck to travel on the Eastmans' Hunting Journal Deer Display next year to over 20 shows throughout the Western US. This huge buck will be officially scored in public at the Eastmans' booth at the Denver ISE show on Saturday, January 26th at the Denver Convention Center. A definite monster!!!!!!"
Kyle Lopez did in fact kill it but it was not a youth hunt just one of the

several regular deer seasons in Colorado he was hunting with his Father

Steed Lopez who is a accomplished hunter and Guide. The buck gross

314 and netted 303. Agood friend of mine knows the family very well.

The deer will be on Display and the Denver sportsmans expo." alt="" />
I just misread the short piece about it in Eastmans Journal or didnt connect the dots as I had already heard of it from my friend.
I can't WAIT to see it someplace. COngrats again to the shooter.