Something to pass the time.
4/17/15 8:01pm
Here's a crappy picture of a buck I was chasing last year.
And I haven't had time to go back to the area and look around since the hunt ended.
I think I will try and put up a couple trail cams in that area and see if he does come back.
I know he was hunted hard by others but I always seemed to be in the wrong canyon or on the other side of the ridgeline when the other guy would spot him and take a shot at it but always missed. ](*,)
When I first spotted the buck, it was over a mile away.
I thought I had spotted a doe and two fawns.
I put my spotting scope on them to see if there were any bucks with the doe and fawns and what I saw was that the "doe" was actually this monster buck and the two "fawns" were a couple small 3 points.
That's how much bigger bodied it was over the younger bucks.