Son's First Yote
10/16/10 8:14pm
While out blacktail deer hunting this morning, my son (Cody)and I were able to sneak in on this ol' coyote. One arrow did the trick and Cody had his first coyote with a bow! He was pretty pumped, as we've been calling them during the off-season and he hasn't been able to connect. Right place / right time always seems to be the best ticket. Hope you enjoy. " alt="" />
When I was down scouting for elk in august I saw a yote from the fourwheeler. I was able to stop, take my bow out of the hard case, put my release on and draw back all with the yote at 15 yards. He decided to run about half way through my draw. I can't hit a coyote on the run with a bow so I almost got my first bow killed yote this year ... almost ](*,)