Sorry i have to vent
1/31/08 10:58pm
I just lost 90,000 dollars on a builder that went bankrupt on me i was a subcontractor doing heating & Airconditioning for this guy for the last 3 years and he just ups and goes bankrupt changes his name and it just drives me crazy that people can do this to someone and still sleep at night sorry but i had to exprese myself to someone other than taking it out on my family ](*,)
It sucks and more than likely you will never get all your money back but my policy is to never give up. I have collected money from people after more than a decade.
You may also have to decide if a settlement works best for you which could mean pennies on the dollar. I typically do not settle but sometimes you can't avoid it.
I use good attorneys but only at the point I really need to. I save a lot of money by doing the long drawn out leg work myself.
Good luck!
+1 :thumb
Not the way that you would think that one of the local pastors would act. :-k
I cant imagine recovering from $90,000.00
I hope all is well for you.
if ya know what I mean!!!!