South Fork of the Snake
7/11/10 9:06pm
My son bought himself a fly rod for his B-day back in February and has been practicing his casting quite a bit, I told him when he thinks hes can cast we will go fishing. Well on Thursday my neighbor comes over and asks if I would like to go fishing, I asked if the boy could come along, he said yes so Saturday morning off we went. We got the rods rigged up, the boat in the river and started floating and fishing. It wasn't long before I had hooked a couple nice Cutthroats, my boy was trying hard but couldn't get the hang of casting from the boat. We pulled over in a section with a little side channel, the fish were rising like crazy. Darien, with the help of my neighbor, snuck up on a riser and a few casts later, bingo, he had caught his first fish on a fly, a nice Snake River Cutthroat. It made my day to see him so proud. As the day went on he got better and better, he hooked a lot of fish but only landed 5, the last one was solo. I told him where I had seen some fish rising a little earlier and said go give it a try. A few minutes later he is yelling a the top of his lungs " dad, look", he had a 15 " cutty in his hands. What a great day.

Springville Shooter
7/12/10 6:42pm
Nice Jeff, Looks like you got a little chip off the old block on your hands.-----SS

7/12/10 9:22pm
That can't be too bad now, can it?

1/28/11 8:06pm
Very nice pics! I hope my potential future kid buys her/himself a fly rod for her/his birthday, haha. I've always wanted wanted to get a fly rod, and I'm going to force myself to commit to it this year.