south san rafael sheep
5/25/11 5:59pm
Looks like after 17 years of applying i finally will have a sheep tag in my hand......I had been putting for the DIRTY DEVIL unit for the last 5 years but switched on the last minute. I have plenty of info on that unit but none for the south unit.....any push in the right direction would be great....
Good luck and stay in touch.
someday, hopefully this year, my name will get pulled from the hat for a sheep hunt [-o<
I hope that at once that I could go on a sheep hunt.
you lucky dog!
after glassing for only about an hour i glasses up a GREAT RAM, the one that i had dreamed about, it was about 1 1/2 hrs until dark when i started my stalk, he was running a ewe about a mile across from where i was glassing....i lost track of him when i dropped into the canyon, when i popped out she was still in the cliffs but he was not..i swung wide to get a better look at where she was and ran into a little ram band the one ram that i saw 6 yr old ram aout 140ish at 30 yrds, when i tried to slip past he spooked and took 3 other sheep with him that i only seen a glimpse of...Damn it...over the next 3 weeks i came out on weekends and saw sheep but not the ram of my dreams.
on OCT 11 i left to HUNT for a ram until the end of the hunt if nessacry.....i had the next 3 weeks off and if it did not kill me i was going to get me a ram. on the 12th i glassed another GREAT ram and watched him for about 20 minutes before he dropped into a big canyon. i never bedded him but felt confident he would be there when i got there....well after about 4 hrs of climbing and glassing he was nowhere to be seen....DAMN IT....after a little self pity session and alot of fluids replaced my brother and i split up to glass the mtn from 2 sides....about 45 min until dark i got a call on the radio from my other brother saying he got off work early and would be in camp shortly, within a few minutes my other brother announced he had found 2 good rams...i met my brother at camp and off we went to see the rams.....we bedded them but never could glass them up the next morning, glassed and glassed....DAMN IT.....
about noon we split up and to cover more country....after about an hr another call to check out a brother didnt know much about scoring rams and thought he MIGHT be a shooter....i put on a stalk and it took me all of about 15 seconds to get in position, range him and put a bullet into him when i finally got a look at days of scouting, 9 days hunting and it ends......with me putting my tag on a GREAT RAM, a exceptional ram for the i sit here writing this i can still feel the sun on my face, legs twitching from putting miles on my odometer.....and my heart skips a beat just thinking about the ADVENTURE i had in my pursuit of my desert is funny that i spent my summer looking over the unit and spent all my hunting time in the last place i looked...oh well...