South Western New Mexico Mule Deer Hunting
Bull Of The Woods
10/21/15 12:50pm
Hello All,
I'm new to this site and could use a little help from some more experienced hunters. I'm not inexperienced at hunting in general, just mule deer. Being from the Texas hill country, I am surrounded by whitetails constantly. I watch deer out of my bedroom window every morning. Over the years, I have taken some really nice bucks.
I am a novice at muley's though, I have taken one in the past 4 years of hunting them. We hunt north of Lordsburg, south of the Gila and west of the Burrows on a private ranch (not far from the Arizona border) . There are deer there just not hundreds like other areas. The terrain is not really mountainous but it is steep and rough. We have had very little luck glassing but we really dont know what we're doing The deer we have taken, we just kind of got lucky. Any advice or tips? Will rattling or calling of any sort work? We will be going on the second rifle hunt which is Nov 14-18. any help would be appreciated.
I'm new to this site and could use a little help from some more experienced hunters. I'm not inexperienced at hunting in general, just mule deer. Being from the Texas hill country, I am surrounded by whitetails constantly. I watch deer out of my bedroom window every morning. Over the years, I have taken some really nice bucks.
I am a novice at muley's though, I have taken one in the past 4 years of hunting them. We hunt north of Lordsburg, south of the Gila and west of the Burrows on a private ranch (not far from the Arizona border) . There are deer there just not hundreds like other areas. The terrain is not really mountainous but it is steep and rough. We have had very little luck glassing but we really dont know what we're doing The deer we have taken, we just kind of got lucky. Any advice or tips? Will rattling or calling of any sort work? We will be going on the second rifle hunt which is Nov 14-18. any help would be appreciated.

10/28/15 1:58pm
Doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong. Not sure about rattling and such working but I hunt similar terrain in Arizona and have the same thoughts on you about not seeing much. Mule deer numbers aren't up right now out this here the way they used to be. They used to be everywhere. Drought, lions, overhunting has made it harder. There numbers would never be as good as whitetail back east even in good years but still it has been much better in years past then right now. Hunting out here, as you can see, is a lot of area to cover. Glassing is usually best as you can see a lot of area without having to go too far. The desert muleys seem nomadic. As in they are in one spot for alittle bit then nowhere to be seen the next. I've been in areas that just ooze deer country yet I wont find a single dropping or hoof print anywhere. It boggles my mind sometimes how some areas are like that when there is plenty of feed and water tanks to keep them around. Yet there is no deer anywhere. good luck and hope this helps alittle.