Southeastern Whitetail hunter wants a Mule Deer
2/4/08 4:44pm
Im looking into booking a Mule Deer hunt. I found one guide in the Rio Arriba area of New Mexico that offers some different camping/guiding packages that I like. One option is a self guided hunt with outfitted drop camp and scouting information. I'm good in the woods and can handle the cooking, but have never hunted in this area of the world (or anything like it) nor have I ever hunted Mule Deer. I know Whitetails in the think stuff very well, but that is it. I feel, however, that with a little scouting information and some good maps, I could handle glassing and stalking on my own. Am I being nieve here? Would I be wasteing $1,200 trying to save $2,000? They offer a package with two days of guided hunting and the remaining three being self guided. Presumably I could go out and do the same thing I did with the guide for the last three days. This option runs about $1,200 more than the drop camp option. I would like any opinions/advice you can offer. Is there another area of the country at which I should be looking. I thought NM may be a bit easier going terrain as I am a flatlander with a desk job and am not particularly fit (although some conditioning would be on the intinerary). Where should I go and what should I book? Thanks!

2/4/08 5:12pm
i would like to know what the outfitter name was that your interested in Rio Arriba county in new mexico? i guided there for yrs and know alot of them, there are some you should stay away from. p.m. if you'd like

2/4/08 6:38pm
John Jaquez of SJR Outfitters. Know him? How's the hunting in that area?

2/4/08 9:34pm
wadeocu, Welcome to the Muley Madness and Mule Deer hunting. Can't help with NM. It's good to check out the outfitter. As far as drop camps go, most outfitters drop camp the poorer areas and the best hunting goes to the high paying customers. Some just take you into areas that you could go into on your own in public land. However by getting more information and references could work out well. good luck.

2/5/08 7:00am
i sent you a P.M.