Southern Utah Deer?
10/17/10 7:35pm
Whats the deal with Southern Utah's general deer? How has everyone faired so far? Just been browsing to see what has been shot. I haven't hunted the general deer since 07. I shot a decent 4x4 but havent been back since. I have been putting in for preference points but have not been wanting to draw being that the deer herds seem to be down. I couple of buddies want to apply next year so I was wondering if it would be worth it? My dad used to hunt Fishlake area around Hilgard when I was younger but hasn't been back in years. I have hunted that area for cow elk and have seen bucks but that was during the rut.
There has been a steady decrease in buck #'s on the mountain we hunt for the last several years. I can't speak to your particular spot.
Don't know about the Fishlake area, but been an odd year it seems. :-k