southern utah deer tags
10/18/07 8:37am
could anyone tell me how many deer tags there are for the southern general deer in utah?
Would need to research to confirm.
That came off the the DWR website.
But here is the link to the PDF numbers...
16,200 Resident
1,800 Non-Res
so 18,000 Total tags, but I assume this is not just RIFLE like I stated earlier?
I should draw a tag next year with my points. [-o<
:-k was talking to my Dad the other day.. and he said a farmer in town just filled out his paperwork for a land owners deer tag last week and got his southern tag... so do they calculate all of the possible landowner tags that might be given out? or do they just give additional tags for the area? or do the take them out of next years tag numbers? (???) so many questions.. so few deer! haha
yak4fish - where in region in Utah do you usually hunt?
So we looked at the Utah map and picked the most roadless area that isn't a LE that we could find. We ended up at MT.Dutton if you hike for an hour up hill out there you will be away from most everyone.