Southwest Desert Antelope

I put in for antelope on the Southwest Desert Unit? Can I expect to find 80 inch antelope on this unit? I know the access is good. Does anyone have any pictures of antelope taken on the Southwest Desert unit?

Also where is the best place to look for a nice trophy antelope?

Thanks in advance!!
The Ox
how many pts do you have?
i believe there was an 84 inch lope shot out there last year.
we had a 81 shot off our property like 3 or 4 years ago. most of the big lopes taken tend to hover around 78-79 ish from everything i hear.
Why do hunters apply for an area and THEN research it? :-k
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I have enough points to draw the tag this year. Where is your property? Does a lot of bucks have thick bases? Do you have any pictures of lopers taken off your property?
The Ox
part of our ranch is actually a cwmu but here is one killed off it