Southwest Desert antelope

We went hunting antelope today in the southwest desert and only saw 4 antelope. We went out west of Milford on the road that ends up over to Ely. We took side roads along that road and drove down them quite a ways, but no luck. We also found water, but only 4 doe antelope. We also drove around Cricket Mountains and no antelope at all.

Where do most of the antelope hang out on this unit?

I would appreciate a little help :)

thanks in advance.
Springville Shooter
Don't know if it's in your zone for sure, but I work down in that area and there are a ton of antelope in the Lund area. Find out if that's in your zone, if so, I'd check that area out for sure. ---------SS
That's one of the best Utah Antelope hunts in the state. IMHO I've been putting in for that area for a while now. Just keep at it.