Spam Posts

Just a heads up, I've deleted several obvious SPAM posts today. Some are original posts while others comment on a current topic directing the reader to another on the look-out.....they're among us! lol
I deleted one a few days ago thanks for the heads up Roy
Me too. Very annoying too.

Thanks Roy. After retirement and starting my new job I haven't been on here as much as I would like.
How are you liking that new job Hawk?
Well, thus far I like it a lot. It's a lot of hard work but I have always been the kind of guy that likes manual labor....ya feel like you put a full day in, that's for sure. Plus, I got a $100 a month pay raise on the second day, will get another pay raise on my 30 day mark, and the owner is looking into putting me on an aggressive salary program in August. (I think he is scared that I will bolt for another job since I still have resumes out there and am still #1 on the hiring list for a Corrections Officer position here in town)

Right now I am trying to learn the business, the personnel, and all the administrative stuff that goes along with running a business. The owners are great folks and are really working hard to make sure I get plenty of training but also get time with the family since I just retired.

I have been a manager/supervisor for over 8 years in the's a bit different in the civilian sector...but I am getting the hang of it.
Hang in there Hawk :) , The Correctional Officer gig is a good thing too, Lots of time off and usually a 20 yr retirement too it will open up sooner than later. Either way you are going to find something that works best for you wether it is your current job or something else.