Speaking of Camps
9/25/07 9:39am
A overnight camp. [sure beats a motel]

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e64/mnmt123/P1010034-4.jpg " alt="" />
Supper time in the badlands.

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e64/mnmt123/P1010040-3.jpg " alt="" />

Supper time in the badlands.

I have camped like that many times.
One time, in the Sierra's near Bear River Res., either my first or second year hunting. I was sleeping in the back of my ranger with a shell and comfortable carpet kit. Well I had a few too many Coor's lights and had to take a leak bad. I couldn't find my flash light and it was a moonless night. I opened up the door of the shell and all heck breaks loose. A herd of deer must have been feeding right outside of my truck and they went to running every which way stomping around breaking branches and snorting. That scaired me so bad that it was another 10 minutes before I could muster the courage to try for another leak.
I have since graduated to a camper with a built in toilet, so no more midnight heart attacks.
Good luck with the hunts.