Spider Bull Is Dead!!
skull krazy
9/30/08 2:13pm
Gongrat's to Denny Austad of Idaho for falling the pending new world record. =D>
377" frame, 123" of extra's. :not-worthy
377" frame, 123" of extra's. :not-worthy
To bad some regular Joe Shmo did not get him. Congrats to Denny, but the guy has so many bulls over 400 already. Guess money gets alot of things.
unofficially 500 4/8's gross =D>
awesome bull tho!
Congrats to Mr. Austad on taking such a nice wall hanger. It would be nice to see some other pics of this beast, but i'm sure they are all under lock and key waiting for the highest bidder to put them in a magazine. Hopefully he passed his wild genes on and we get to see some more bulls like him in the future.
Just out of curiosity does anyone know or have a guess as to how old Spidey is, or was? I'm intersted to know how many years it took him to get that big.
I am just thrilled that is 5.5 weeks the 4th season of rifle in CO will be upon us, I will most likely see elk, I would be thrilled to fill my freezer with a cow. None of the elk I see will have names like Spidey or an internet blog dedicated to them but if I get one I will never forget it....
Yes, the argument is geting tired...but I agree with you Boomer and that is one nice purchase.
99% agreed i heard it was ham!
I worked for a wealthy individual at one time that spent a lot of $$ on Governors tags and OTC tags. Sometimes he hired a guide, other times it was a DIY hunt. It was dependent on the area. If he knew the area he hunted without a guide. If it was a new area or an area that required a guide he hired one.
Having money doesn't make you less of a hunter. In fact, it opens up numerous opportunities. I have a feeling that's what most people are really envious of.
I think the guy is an accomplished hunter and he just happens to have the funds to hunt the way he chooses to hunt.
I stand by what I said and I hope Nonya had a chance to read it before it was deleted. Hiring a guide doesn't make you a poor hunter as Nonya has implied. Ask Roy about that AZ Strip hunt, Nonya. Tell me that Roy isn't 10 times the hunter you wish you could be. And *GASP* he hired a guide for that hunt!
Brett, it's your website and you can do with it as you please. I understand you want to avoid confrontation, but until you address the source, the problems will continue. You know who, and you darn sure know what I'm referring to. Opinions are like Nonya, everybody has one.
I've obviously made myself and my opinions unwelcome here, so please, feel free to delete my account if you choose to.
mark, dont feel like you are minority here
as far as hiring a guide, if i had the $$$ to do it and drew a tag where i had never been before, for sure i would be doing it
It's silly to think that Denny is any less of a hunter just because he has money and hired a guide to kill an awesome bull. Too many people feel that because he hired a guide he doesn't deserve that bull.
Roy, I'm sorry I drug your good name into this and I meant no disrespect to you. You were just the best example I could come up with on this website. Obviously you hired a guide for different reasons, but it doesn't in any way shape or form make your kill any less respectable. That was the point of bringing it up.
I think it's a positive benefit that 155,000 dollars can go back into hopefully habitat etc., into helping the Elk herds in the great state this bull was taken from.
I'll likely never have that kind of cash to drop on an animal and if I did doubt I would. BUT I don't tell people how to spend there money and DON'T have a problem with those that do. The tags are SOLD and there for that VERY reason to be purchased at a high dollar to hunt amazing animals and give money back into the system in a positive way. At least that's the way I see it and it's suppose to work. Hopefully it does.
Anyway, my thoughts always go back to this line..."if you don't have something positive or good to say, don't say anything at all"
And if someone is out of line, calling them out on it would be better done through a PM or MOD'S of the board.
I think some/all are active members of other boards and thus read a lot of comments and start to think this type of talk is useful, good, and OKAY.
I tend to disagree and don't want my
I'll make another case in point later.
I know I don't run a perfect ship here and am far from perfect myself, but I do strive my best and thanks to those who contribute and share also. Much appreciated.
A friend of mine was forced to hire a guide in I believe Wyoming to hunt sheep in a wilderness area. He hired the guide, arrowed his ram, and completed his archery Grand Slam on that guided hunt. That's a pretty exclusive club in the archery world.
I'm pretty sure that Tony is okay with having to hire a guide. Does anyone want to say that he doesn't deserve to have his Archery Grand Slam just because he hired a guide?
If this same wealthy individual came on here and posted a picture of a dead cow elk he shot people would be congratulating him on his success.
If he hired a guide and killed an average bull people would still congratulate him. I've seen it happen here in the past.
But because he hired a well publicized guide crew and paid a fortune for the hunt as well as the tag and killed a once in a lifetime bull, he gets beaten down. The hunter deserves our respect, not your criticism.
I don't want everyone to think we all have to agree on everything either, that's not my point.
(Notice the word seems. That is my opinion. Not an accusation.)
It seems like more sour grapes to me.
(Notice the word seems. That is my opinion. Not an accusation.)
Sour grapes is not my thing. He is a hunter, Mark, you are a hunter, I am a hunter, Nonya is a hunter, Lets not waste our time bickering. The bull I shot this year doesnt even compare point/size wise to old spidey but I am not the jealous type. Just gotta say I would be thrilled for the guy if he could have scouted that baby out all by himself.
Emotion is hard to read in type. I am not attacking you Mark. Just contributing to the topic with my opinion.