Spoiled by people

Question. This morning I had the opportunity to do some calling. We picked a spot where a friend had seen a dog a couple of days earlier. Set up and begin calling. Not two minutes later the neighbors two dogs come running. In fact I thought my friend was dog food. lol So we move to a different spot on the other side of the county and try again. I start with some howling when my friend whispers at me "Here they come!" They? So I start glassing in the direction he is looking and sure enough. Three coyotes headed at us. =D> About that time, my heart starts racing, what next? It wouldn't matter, at that same instant, the rancher shows up to feed his cows, and the dogs lose interest in us. ](*,) I tried some soft howls, distresses, birds, everything I could muster up, but I couldn't get them to come back to us. So the question is this. What, if anything, could I have done differently? Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated.
when another person shows up like that I think that the best thing that you can do is act just like the coyotes did. Pack up and move on just like they did.Then come back another day to call. By staying and calling it just puts them more on edge because any other coyote would have left instead of sitting there howling. Now I would come into that area from a different direction and set up and call from there instead of going back to the exact same spot to call.
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Yeah, I thought about that after I saw how they reacted to my efforts.