spotting scope
11/17/11 3:48pm
what is a good INEXPENSIVE spotting scope. i bought a bushnell 10 power scope but its about a use full as a poopy flavored lolly pop. i cant afford to spend a fortune. its not powerful enough for one but it was cheap. get what you pay for i guess.
It took me awhile, but I saved up and got a swarovski. Well worth the wait is all I can say.
I bought me a cheap spotter a couple years ago... 25-75x75 Trekker ($100 but I paid $50 from Cabela's). Don't get me wrong, I've had a lot of fun with it but it's very limited. At midday I can use the full range of power, but dawn and dusk I must use the lowest power setting. I watched a really nice muley buck from ~2000 yards and the image went dark in my scope 35 minutes before my friends Bausch & Lomb. It was pretty shocking to realize how inferior the quality was in my scope. I wish I would have saved a little bit and bought something that I could be more confident in. Save the $200 and wait, you'll just end up where I am... trying to convince the wife you want to buy a nicer, more expensive scope even though in her eyes you already have one.