Spotting Scope for Tripod

I bought a new Vortex Spotting scope and need a tripod. I have found there are alot of options and a wide price range. I wondering what everyone else is using. I'm leaning toward a Vanguard, but the Vortex look nice too.
I personally like the vortex for the money
Can't beat the Vortex line for the money. I love mine.
well, i can only put my 2 cents in on 1-- manfrotto- i personally dont like mine, imy first one i think cost me 200 bucks, after 1 month a clamp on the leg broke- LUCKLY sportsmans wharehouse replaced it no problem. my second one-- the same @@@@ clamp is broke, sportsmans is now wholesale sports and wont replace it.

it works absolutl fine- i NEVER use my scope standing up, so i dont need the heighth that it has to offer, but for an expensive tripod, it's not that tuff
Ah great! I just ordered a Manfrotto! I hope I have better luck than you.
yea, i dont know what the deal is- other than those leg clamps, it's great / usable scope-
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I think Killer just had bad luck times 2 on the tripod cuz he uses up all his good luck in the draws for him and his friends/relatives. lol

I have a Manfrotto and so does my dad and we have been pretty tough on them and they hold up great. Sorry Killer! I think if you dealt with the factory they would make it right , I don't know anything about their warranty but with the size and popularity of the company they should be good.

For teh guys who have the Vortex which head do you have? The traditional handle type or the ball type?
Mine is the Ball. Took some getting use to, not having the handle but know I love it. Smooth panning and you don't have the handle getting in the way while packing it.
I went with the Vanguard. I've had it in the field a few times and it has been great. It's pretty light and adjusts quickly. Thanks for everyones input.
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Try the "Outdoorsmans" line of tripods and attachments. Best ever made. Expensive, but worth every penny. Outdoorsmans is in Phoenix and the only one that carries this tripod and attachments - is made just for them. I have Manfrotto and Bogen and there simply is no comparison - Outdoorsmans tripod, heads and attachments are the very best on the market today.