spotting today
7/12/08 4:44pm
went out this morning but the bulls were heading for the timber real early. so i did not get any photos of them, i did get some video but windows vista does not support my camcorder, i can not find a driver that works with vista ](*,) #-o ... these are the only pics i took with the point and shoot.
Yes Brett that is a badger. I thought he was going to eat my front tire, he would not get out of the road.
Does anyone use a Sony Handycam Digital 8 camcorder. Mine is a model DCR TVR350. If you do and now how to get a driver onto the new windows vista I would really appreciate it. It sucks not being able to download these clips.
I did a quick search on your Sony HandyCam, and is says with Windows Vista, you should be able to capture & edit using Windows Media Player which comes with the Vista bundle.
I know the problem I had with my Cam when I got it was it did not come with a firewire. Do you have one of these? Video will not transfer over the generic USB cable.
Hope this helps
I know that Windows movie maker will tranfer the video but you have to have the driver so teh computer will recognize it. That is my problem, I can not load a driver on the machine. There is not one on the sony website. :>/
The first link is supposedly the drive, the second is a forum with what sounds like the same problem. Although I didn't have the time, I'd read through the forum and see if it answered the problem there first.
Hope this helps.