Spread Question
9/28/09 7:09pm
Just curious, when everyone posts pics or answers others' questions and mentions the spread, are ya'll giving the outside or inside spread? Me personally, if I say I saw a 26 incher, I'm always talking outside.
Me and a buddy always go back and forth on this b/c he likes to give inside spread. More than a couple of times, we've started arguing about how wide a deer is and then we realize we're talking about 2 different measurements and we actually agree on the spread! Anyway, just curious which measurement ya'll usually give when talkin' deer with your friends....
Me and a buddy always go back and forth on this b/c he likes to give inside spread. More than a couple of times, we've started arguing about how wide a deer is and then we realize we're talking about 2 different measurements and we actually agree on the spread! Anyway, just curious which measurement ya'll usually give when talkin' deer with your friends....
Inside spread can be decieving. Inside spread is the greatest point between main beams. On my buck my main beams came straight up and then curved out. So my tip to tip spread and greatest inside spread ended up being the same measurement. Most bucks beams curve inwards so I gained a few inches there.
B&C uses outside spread as well, right? It's part of the scoring system.
The greatest spread is measured between perpendiculars at a right angle to the center line of the skull at the widest part, whether across main beams or points. See Figure B."
The first pen to paper entries on a B&C scoring sheet serve to identify your buck, but are not used in the measurement totals. (A) No. points right antler, (A) No. of points left antler, (B) tip to tip spread, and (C) greatest outside spread give a picture of your buck. The only spread measurement that actually increments the total inch score of the buck is the greatest inside spread. That is why it was significant that my bucks antler tips curved outward. The tip to tip spread became my greatest inside spread. Inside spread is limited by the length of your longest main beam. So a 40" wide monster with shallow front forks wouldn't score very well as the main beams would likely be 20"- 22" the spread credit would be limited by the 20 -22" instead of the 40" width.
If looking for a B&C buck look for mass with deep forks over width. Most BC typicals are going to be 28 - 30 wide with long main beams and deep front and backs, with heavy mass that carries all the way up the tines.