Spring Branding

Not a lot to do with hunting but there's mule deer, elk and antelope on the ranch. But its spring and time for branding. Went to the Gomes branding this week end. They own the Eagle Valley Ranch which takes in the Antelope Ranch and the old Brogan ranch, where they brand.

These first two guys are senior citizens here. On the left is Sandy McKay, 97 yrs old and born and raised on the McKay Ranch. On the right is Don Gomes Sr, 93 yrs old and owns the above ranches close to 50 yrs now.

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/DonGomessSandyMckay5-3-08.jpg" alt="" />

Herb McKay, Sandy's son runs the Mckay Ranch now. Raised and lives in the same house he was born in.

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/HerbMckay5-3-08.jpg" alt="" />

Dave Dickson. Owner of the Dickson ranch. 100+ yrs in Antelope. Daves grandfather origionally built the ranch.

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/DaveDixson.jpg" alt="" />

Christina Gomes. 2008 All Around Champion- Central Ore Barrel Racing Assoc

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/ChristinaGomes2008AllaroundcowgirlC.jpg" alt="" />

Christina's trophy for All Around Ch

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/COBRAAllAround2008.jpg" alt="" />

Cord "Little Boot" Gomes. 5 this year but last year at 4 yr old he rode the pull horse by himself. Dad Shane got him special sturrups and he rides Mom's old arena horse. This year he's running the ear tag's out.

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/LittleBoots5yrs.jpg" alt="" />

You can't see him but, this is Donnie Gomes, Don Jr, Cords grandfather branding a calf.

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/Hotiron.jpg" alt="" />

Todd Dixon. Will be the next generation on the Dickson Ranch. It ain't going nowhere! Guy in the black hat is Shane Gomes, Cords dad. Ground man behind the horse is Shanes father-in-law.

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/ToddDixson.jpg" alt="" />

Todd McKay, Herb's son and of course Sandy's grandson. 4x N.W. PRCA saddle Bronc Champion

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/ToddMcKay.jpg" alt="" />

Nothing to do with the branding but a photo I took years ago of the Monger Ranch near Fossil, Ore. This is what happens when the kids leave the ranch. At one time this was a grand place. Melting into the ground now.

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/scan0003.jpg" alt="" />

Hunting season's over and things kind of slow so I thought I'd throw this stuff in there. My little piece of the world and great friends. Family and friends tend to be very close in rural America.

Ok, one hunting type photo. My Bodie! How could I not get him in here?

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/002re-sized.jpg" alt="" />
Enjoyed all the photos, thanks DON!
Tree Killer
Thanks for the pics Don, I could almost smell them from here!

Don't let the tree huggers in the valley see those pics, they'll throw a fit about the all the animal cruelty to both the calves and the horses.
Great photos Don. Thanks for the history to go along with them.
Great pics!!!

Great Pictures. Im very jelous. Grew up on a farm and now raise bucking bulls. I love branding season.

Always good to see the smoke bellowin. Fun to have all the generations helping out together. Keep up the traditions. Thanks for the picts
Awesome, loved it, wish I had been there! 10sign: