Spring Photos
6/2/09 11:33am
Here are some photos my Dad took the other day while he was out and about. The photo of the Aspen Tree has "Seely 1922" carved into it. That is my great Grandpa who carved it. If our new hunter ends up being a boy that is who I plan on naming him after. :thumb
those aspen carvings are neat,i've seen them in new mexico go into the very early 1900's, cool when you think about it
Appears the Aspen tree is dead, Take a chunk of the wood or the bark to save it. or just let it go back to the earth. :thumb
There's a bunch of aspen's in the Trout Creek Mtns of southeast Oregon with names and dates going back to the late 1800's. Basque sheepherders left their mark in that country!