
You coming to Oregon this fall ? What's your plan? Deadline is looming!
Springville Shooter
I'm in for Oregon. I ended up deciding to split my points with a couple buddies so we could have a good camp. We put in for the Pine Creek unit where one of them has a cabin and knows the country a bit. I don't know if you remember Jeff, but I met him on here years ago. He is going with me. --------SS
"Springville Shooter" wrote:I'm in for Oregon. I ended up deciding to split my points with a couple buddies so we could have a good camp. We put in for the Pine Creek unit where one of them has a cabin and knows the country a bit. I don't know if you remember Jeff, but I met him on here years ago. He is going with me. --------SS
Well bummer!
I was hoping to go on an elk hunt this fall,but I think you will have a good trip in pine creek of your with someone who knows it. Can't wait to see pictures!