SS gets a MuZZy

Well, I'm going out on a limb this year. I got a wild hair and put in for a general muzzy tag. I did some research and settled on the TC Omega 50cal. I will start my journey this weekend shooting this beast. I have decided to start with 250grn Hornady sabots with T7 powder. What I would ask from my MM brethern is some little tidbits that might help me along my way. My ultimate goal is a load that is for sure out to 100 yards. I will see how accurate I can be with the open sights first, then look to optics if I cant shoot 2MOA or so at 100. So all you smokepole experts; How am I doing so far? ------SS
Good plan so far. Work up the amount of powder until you find what will give you the best groups. I'd start conservatively at around 75 grains or so. I found my magic number to be 90 grains. Others will be higher and others lower. You'll know yours after some time spent at the range.
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I am also setting up an Omega with open sights for Colorado. I will start off with 250 grain sabots to get it dialed in with the scope and then I plan on shooting 250 grain Thors with a load of Blackhorn 209. I am going to work it up from 80 grains of powder to see what load works best. I switched to the BH209 from pellets this year in my Encore and I can't believe the difference. In that gun, I am shooting 250 grain Crusher sabots with 100 grains of BH209 and I'm shooting clover leafs every time. Good luck with the Omega.
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I'm still new to the muzzy scene, but I've been having a lot of fun with it. I'm shooting a CVA Optima and it seems to like everything I feed it. I use two 50 gr. pellets of T7 and the CCI muzzleloading primers. The sabots that seem to load the easiest have been the Harvester Crush Rib green sabots (you can pick those up online for $7/50). I'm going to head to the range tomorrow to see if I can get some good groups with a 240 gr Nosler JHP. I used the 300 gr. SST last year and it crumpled a small buck, but I'm thinking it may be a little overkill for deer. Good luck out there and have fun with the Omega! I've heard great things about that rifle :thumb
I'd say you've got a great start SS. Your goal of 100 yards is absolutely doable & with any skill as a marksman you should be able to extend that.
I know a lot of guys that like to really pinpoint their load by using loose powder but in my opinion for speed and ease while hunting you can't beat the pelletized stuff, especially if you find a load that shoots reasonably well. I've used the Pyrodex 50gr pellets successfully for several years now. When those run out I might try the Triple Seven pellets to see which ones I like better.
I shoot 250gr SSTs for deer and they get the job done... assuming you hit the critter in the right place. I had 2 bucks that crumpled where they stood but hit a buck last year & couldn't find him. I'll use the 250s on elk and we'll see how they work if I ever get a chance to pull the trigger on one.
Springville Shooter
Picked up a couple packages of 250 SST's in Oregon while working this week. Preliminary testing will be with T7 and BH209 this weekend. Can't wait.----SS
Springville Shooter
Well, Here are the results as promised. I must say that I am blown away by the accuracy of this gun. My first 100 yard group was right at an inch with 100grns of T7 behind a 250 SST. The next 10 shots busted milk jugs full of water from 50-150 yards without a miss. All I can say is WOW! Got the wifey to shoot it too. Thanks for all the help guys.-------SS
TC Omega. 250 SST
TC Omega. 250 SST
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That's a heck of a start! I love messing around with my muzzy- a buddy and I were shooting steel last week at 150-225 yards. Great practice for field positions and very satisfying to hear the bullet strike. Looks like you've got yourself a great rifle!
Springville Shooter
Well guys, here is the final result. Got into some great bucks but wasn't able to close the deal. Decided a nice three point would make a fantastic first muzzy buck. He fell to a single shot from 140 yards. ------SS
Cool, throw up a pic.
Springville Shooter
Here he is. This could be the last of my firsts.----SS
Shooters first Muzzy buck.
Shooters first Muzzy buck.
Nice, thanks for the pic. Job well done!
Very nice SS, congrats!
Awesome man! I'm in the same boat as you, decided to try muzzy this year for the first time just for fun. I also couldn't find anything bigger than a 3 point, haha, so the last morning I had to hunt I went back to him and popped him. A little smaller than yours but I was SO pumped! Still am! Muzzys are fun :D Glad you connected and sounds like you're doing well with getting used to them. I can't believe how easy these things are, haha.