SteriPen Adventurer

Does anyone have experience with these? It's a water purification system that uses UV light to kill harmful bacteria in treating water for drinking.
If not, but can recommend another purification/filtration system that would be suitable for backpacking (and possible backcountry hunting) it'd be greatly appreciated.
I work a lot with Boy Scouts and we do a lot of hiking in the summer. We did a 20 mile hike for the Hiking badge (ended up being 25 miles) and we only had one filter between 12 people, felt like we spent more time waiting for our turn with the filter than walking. We're going to do it again this summer & I'd like to have another setup.
Muleys 24/7
I was also looking into those things....let us know how they work if you get one
Muleys 24/7
Check out these , I heard they work well. The only thing about the pen is, it dosn't filter it only kills harmful bacteria. The Sawyer brand makes a water bladder with inline filter that fits into you pack,Thats the one I like.
"Muleys 24/7" wrote:I heard they work well. The only thing about the pen is, it doesn't filter it only kills harmful bacteria.
That's what I had heard. A co-worker bought one for a pack trip into the slot canyons in the Escalante area (I think) and said it worked good but it didn't filter the sediment. He was told to carry cotton balls or cheesecloth to put over the mouth of the bottle to remove the grit.
I think I'd rather just carry something that takes care of both the bugs and the sediment. I'll check out the Sawyer stuff, thanks Muleys. I've also looked at a couple of Katadyne models, too.
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I haven't read or seen the product your asking about but I work on AC systems from 1 to 20tons. Some companies make UV lights to kill the bacteria buildup in the evaporater coils (slime that clogs the drain line). These UV lights will instantly burn your retnas . As powerfull as they are they still do not kill 100% of the bacteria in the water. Bottom line IMO would not trust any portable UV system that claims to kill the bacteria. I have used a Kyle for for years and have never gotten ill other than buck or bull fever. I'm not promoting this type it's just what I use on 7 day wilderness trips. Ever Sept.
one hunting fool
I would buy a Katadyn. I love mine!!!
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tried it out this weekend works great very light weight.had no issues with it