Stevens Rifle ?
11/17/08 1:29pm
Well I have held out long enough. My CFO/spouse has finaly concented to a rifle purchase. However due to fiscal guidance from said CEO/spouse I am limited to the 300 - 400 dollar range.
Went to the Sportsmans Warehouse and the only thing that is in that range, that holds more than one round at a time is a Stevens Bolt action.
This is my first and only big game rifle so it has to be able to take anything from coyote to elk to black bear. I am leaning toward 30.06 due to the large selection of bullet sizes.
Any comments on the Stevens rifles?
Went to the Sportsmans Warehouse and the only thing that is in that range, that holds more than one round at a time is a Stevens Bolt action.
This is my first and only big game rifle so it has to be able to take anything from coyote to elk to black bear. I am leaning toward 30.06 due to the large selection of bullet sizes.
Any comments on the Stevens rifles?
This is a fine rifle that will serve you well for many years.
Good Luck
M. Bird
My .02 cents
call rick[me] at 375-9006 if interested