Stevens Rifle ?

Well I have held out long enough. My CFO/spouse has finaly concented to a rifle purchase. However due to fiscal guidance from said CEO/spouse I am limited to the 300 - 400 dollar range.

Went to the Sportsmans Warehouse and the only thing that is in that range, that holds more than one round at a time is a Stevens Bolt action.

This is my first and only big game rifle so it has to be able to take anything from coyote to elk to black bear. I am leaning toward 30.06 due to the large selection of bullet sizes.

Any comments on the Stevens rifles?

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As for the Stevens model 200 ( I assumed that is what you are talking about). You might know it by a different name: Savage Model 110—the only difference is NO accu-trigger. But the trigger is adjustable.
This is a fine rifle that will serve you well for many years.

Good Luck
M. Bird
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Stevens 200= great value. You will never need a more expensive rifle as it is the non-accutrigger version of the Savage 110. I've had several in the 110 version and they all were shooters. I had one particular 110 in 270 Win that I wish I had kept.
Is this the same Stevens that used to be J. Stevens Arms? I heard something about them changing to Savage but I'm too young to know about all that.
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"AzRednekRabbit" wrote:Is this the same Stevens that used to be J. Stevens Arms? I heard something about them changing to Savage but I'm too young to know about all that.
Savage arms bought the Stevens name. It is a Savage product nowadays.
Can't comment on their rifles but I have an old Stevens 12ga side by side. One of the sweetest shooting, well made shotguns I've had the pleasuer to hunt with. Decided to take it this year on the pheasant hunt and, lo and behold, the old son of a gun still works! I will never get rid of it.
"wingmaster36" wrote:
AzRednekRabbit wrote:Is this the same Stevens that used to be J. Stevens Arms? I heard something about them changing to Savage but I'm too young to know about all that.
Savage arms bought the Stevens name. It is a Savage product nowadays.
Right on. I just got a gun that was my grandfathers and it was made by J. Stevens Arms Co. It's a .25-20 and it only has a four digit number serial number stamped on it. I've haven't shot it yet but lookin' foreward to it.
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The Stevens Is a Great Rifle to have!! Stevens/Savage are known for their "out of the box" Accuracy. You may very well get a 1/2 Inch rifle!! Also the ability to have an accurization job (bedding, re-barrel, trigger job,etc.) later on is there for you. While the 30.06 is a Great Caliber, I would like to suggest the 300 Win. Mag, it doesn't have to wear a muzzle brake, a bit more powerful, flatter shooting and they are easy to reload for also good factory ammo to be had. But whatever caliber you settle on, you can't go wrong!!

My .02 cents

A Stevens is just a low buck version of a Savage...the most accurate out of the box rifle made. Good luck on your purchase.
i am in the springs and my ex wife is selling a like new winchester ranger bolt in the 30.06,with a NIB nikon 4x40 scope.......i bet i can get you the package for $250.00

call rick[me] at 375-9006 if interested
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Just get a Tikka T3 lite. The best rifle on the market.
on his budget? :-k
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Just saying the Stevens might fit the budget but at the end of the day?