Tree Killer
6/22/09 8:59am
Anybody on this site shoot and hunt with recurves, longbows, or selfbows? I've hunted with all three for about 25 years now, mostly with a recurve. Manage to kill an elk , Blacktail, or a turkey now and then. My effective kill range is limited because I'm right handed and left eye dominant. So I pass up quite a few shots that most guys would take without a second thought.
My current hunting bow is a Blacktail Elite, 64" 60# @ 29" I make my own arrows from Douglas Fir shafts, many of them from scratch. My broadhead of choice has been 125 gr Wensel Woodsmans since they came out.
Just curious if there's other old school bowhunters on here?
My current hunting bow is a Blacktail Elite, 64" 60# @ 29" I make my own arrows from Douglas Fir shafts, many of them from scratch. My broadhead of choice has been 125 gr Wensel Woodsmans since they came out.
Just curious if there's other old school bowhunters on here?
Yep, I can shoot a bow either way. I'm a better switch bow shooter than I am a switch hitter in baseball, though.
Wish I was smart instead of so dang good looking.
It's going to be a fun season, I will be hunting Elk in Utah, Antelope,Whitetails and Turkeys here in Kansas. I like the WW my self Ron, Awsome broadheads!
Tracy first recurve was a Brackenbury Drifter I bought from Jim in 1985. I still have it and have no plans to part with it. Jim drowned in 1992, so the original bows are kind of priceless. Is your Brackenbury an older model or built by Bill Howland?
My old Brack had brown glass on the limbs, and after I bought my new Blacktail several years ago I put snake skins on the limbs to spruce them up a bit.
What you making your trade points out of? I made some from an old saw blade one time, took some experimenting to get the weight I wanted. I mounted them with elk sinew on some cedar shafts I had.
Those Woodsman heads sure fly good and the bloodtrails are AWESOME! 10sign:
I have used skill saw blades and hand saw blades and both work good. I'm hunting with a four blade trade point that I have been working on for awhile this year, There shooting great and can't wait to see how they do for a blood trail.
Do you draw a full 30 inches? That's a LONG draw with a stickbow! If you draw 30 inches you'll most likely need a 70-75 spine. 25 years ago when shot a compound my draw was 33", but with a longbow or my recurve it's closer to 29". I shoot with a straight wrist, bent elbow to keep from slapping my arm with the string, plus I use a somewhat open stance. All those combined shorten my draw considerably.
Here's some of my hunting arrows. I just put a crest on them this weekend. These particular shafts are P.O.Cedar spined at 70-75 even though I shoot 60# @ 20". They fly better then the 65-70 spine arrows I have. The fella that made my Blacktail recurve told me the heavier spines would shoot better, and he was right!
Good luck and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.