Stickflickers buck
6/13/07 8:36pm
O.K. I have not attempted a drawing in several years and have been wanting to get back to it. I have lope on the brain right now and what better subject than Stickflickers buck. I am a little rusty and the photo of the drawing does not translate well and I have a little work to do on it yet.
But anyway, What do you think?
By the way Stickflicker if you want the drawing I will send it to you." alt="" />
But anyway, What do you think?
By the way Stickflicker if you want the drawing I will send it to you.
A good friend of mine is an artist and has been saying he was going to do a water color of it since I first killed it, but he never has. It's been a great month so far for old "Slant" and I. They did a beatiful display presentation of him at the new Bass Pro Shop in Mesa, AZ, which opened late last week. I had furnished them with the horns, but only sent them in less than 60 days before the store opening. I didn't know if they would have enough time to even get it mounted, and they never told me what they were going to use it for. I was very pleasantly shocked at the display they did. I had no idea they were going to do such a nice presentation, since they never told me anything about it!
Actually, we are currently looking for a piece of artwork for the cover of our 5th Edition Bowhunting In Arizonarecord book which will come out in early 2008. It will be up to the Board to decide what goes on it, but I will submit it if you'd like. The cover should really have a piece of vertical art, but they might be able to make that work by extending the background. Again, it's not up to me, but I'll submit it if you're interested.
Also, anyone else that wishes to submit art for use in the book, I'll be happy to pass on as well. I know there was another person on here that posted a friend's art a while back from an internet site. That person was very good as well. They may also choose to use some art inside the book. Photos will also likely be soliceted in the near future. I'll try to make a post when the time comes. They will need to be species that occur in Arizona, in a wild setting, and the use will need to be donated to the non-profit organization.
THANKS AGAIN! I will send you a PM with my address. That's VERY nice of you!
I am always amazing at some peoples talent! I can't draw a good circle yet alone a great picture!
Thanks for sharing! :thumb
Lets see some more of you artwork.
:-$ I can't even draw good enough to win at Pictionary (???) LOL
If thats a little rusty I'd like to see what you have from when you're up to speed.
Great Job. =D>