Stockton/Malone vs. D.Will/Boozer
4/13/08 10:55pm
KSL here in Utah had an interview with Karl Malone tonight and they have a poll question going. I thought it was a cool idea. So what do you think? If you put Karl and Stocton (In there prime when ever that was) vs. Daren Williams and Boozer who would win th 2 on 2.
I would have to say Stockton to Malone, but that is JMO.
I would have to say Stockton to Malone, but that is JMO.
Stockon and Malone would take these 2 IMO.
Get a few more years under Boozer and Williams, and then we can talk. =D>
Within 5 years or less they will have it :)
You mean like the rings the Jayhawks are wearing and the Memphis Tigers aren't? lol lol
I couldn't resist either! :))
There's no outside market for the Utah Jazz.....unfortunately. ](*,)