Stolen Camera - Would Like to speak with the Person
8/8/11 12:12pm
If anyone out there knows this person, I would like to speak with them about a stolen camera. Please note, that I am not accusing them of stealing the camera, but would like to speak with them.
BTW, good on for doing the right thing with the dog.
That really stinks.... Two camera's gone? I would be really bummed.
I will say that who ever he was, it took some gall, do to the verbiage on the labels.
Follow the rules
Before setting up a trail camera, please remember the following:
Trail cameras are not allowed in areas that are • designated as wilderness areas.
Before setting a camera up on an area managed • by the U.S. Forest Service or the Bureau of Land Management, you may be required to obtain a permit.
Please contact the nearest U.S. Forest Service or BLM office to learn the rules for the area you’re interested in placing your camera on.