stolen sheds!!! any body have any ideas??
7/1/07 2:36pm
hey i have a buddy that lives in northeast oregon that had some huge sheds stolen from his house, and a couple bucks he's killed. this buck i posted last year was stolen, it was right at 167". this new oregon state record bull's sheds from the year before he killed it gone.they score right at 365. and the worst ones was a couple set he has of some big non-typicle horns that have 8" bases and both score around 235" and are , like all these horns, just irreplaceable! first if anybody can keep an eye out for them i could get some pics of these shed horns but the 8" bases is something to catch your eye. they are very unique and are easally identifiable.
Does anyone know of any idea's of people to call that we could give a heads up to or big horn buyers that would have a good chace of coming across them? they have been scored and entered in the books.
but if anyone has any ideas pleas let me know. there is a 500$ reward[ which is not a ton compared to what they are worth] hopefully someone has some info or knows someone who they could spread the word around
Does anyone know of any idea's of people to call that we could give a heads up to or big horn buyers that would have a good chace of coming across them? they have been scored and entered in the books.
but if anyone has any ideas pleas let me know. there is a 500$ reward[ which is not a ton compared to what they are worth] hopefully someone has some info or knows someone who they could spread the word around
The biggest commercial horn buyers/sellers in the area is Moscow Hide and Fur in Moscow, ID. You might want to give them a call and see if anyone has brought these antlers in.
(208) 882-0601
If they have, I'll be home all next week and can stop in to check it out if need be. Meanwhile, I'll do a little snooping and see what I can find (Although these sorts of idiots are generally not too smart, they would be absolutely stupid to try to sell them in the same location that they stole bet is outlying areas IMO).
Can ya send me a PM and let me know exactly where they were stolen from?
I put out a $500 reward as well just to try to catch the freaking dirt bag. Never did catch him or get the antlers back though... Man I sure hope your buddy is able to track this stuff down. I'll put a bug in all of the buyers ears and do what I can to help.
Right out of his shop huh, boy that's pretty low. If you guys catch him I hope they nail the sucker!
Good luck,
I had a bunch out on my front yard here in Utah, four deer skulls and two elk, not too mention all the "singles" i had scattered out.
I woke up one morning to go to work and everything was gone.
I'd sure like to catch the SOB who did it! :222
I had a bunch stolen out of my front yard. Just old ones but it still makes you mad.
I treasure all of mine like gold..
My husband gets mad everytime I bring home another arm load cause they go right down to the basement. & then cusses everytime we move!
(Best of luck to you in finding them)
You cant hide monster sheds, they will brag sooner or later