Strange Behavier

I was up in NM on a elk hunt a couple weeks back sitting in a small group of trees looking across a snow coverd meadow when I saw a coyote pop out of the oppsite tree line and angled across the meadow. I Shoulderd my smoke poll and got in my scope but he hit my scent line and stopped with two of the trees between us. I figured he'd be gone but he just stood there for almost 6 minutes, then he turned and came straight up that scent line like he was walking a solid fence. He was trotting so fast his head filled my scope and i sat down my rifle pulled out my pistol and layed him out at about 35ft from me. My scent didn't phase him nor did my movement, he never growled or acted like he saw me until that first round hit em. In all my years I've never seen a coyote act like that but I don't hunt em. Just kill em cuase of what I've seen em do to deer and such. Have any of you guys heard or seen of this type of behaver?