Strength Training

Anybody have any good exercises they do at home to strengthen muscles used for archery hunting. I injured my rotator cuff last year and need to build the muscle back up. (@@)
he that sucks.........i do push ups puull ups the usual thing ya know.
I just shot a lower poundage for awhile. Archery muscles are kinda specific. Thats what I have been told anyways.
i tore my rotater cuff a few yrs back and this is what the doc had me do: stand on your feet, bend over at a 90 degree angle at your waist [as if trying to tie your shoes while standing] start out with anything like a milk jug full of water or something, grab hold of it but dangle your arm so you can feel the weight of it pulling slightly from your rotater cuff, you'll feel it kinda like seperating your shoulder just a tiny bit [ not enough to harm it] and rotate the jug in circles clockwise for a couple min. then counter clockwize for a few min. do this a couple times a day then after a week use a heavier object. i dont know if i described that very well but it works very good. i did this therapy for a week and started feeling a lot better and for a total of a month or so and it was lots better! i still will do this every so often just to help strengthen my shoulder. hope that makes sence and helps!
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Thanks everyone. Killerbee I am going to try the exercise you mentioned and I am already going to start shooting again with a lower draw weight. Thanks again.
Very interesting my Rotator cuff is 'shot' in my right arm, bow hunting and dominant arm of course. I have to shoot at a lower weight, I've got a bunch of exercises to do (of course I don't do them well) :)

Soup can works, arms straight to the side wide thumbs pointed down lift up and down but don't raise arms above shoulder height and then when your tough enough add soup cans to each had and repeat.

Got more with a rubber band hooked to the doorknob that is great also.
I've found that the best exercise for me is lifting the TV remote and changing the channel during commercials.
I also tore up my shoulder a few years back and before they figured out what the problem was they had me pulling on a long surgical type tube attached to the door. Arm was down against the body, bent at the elbow 90 degrees. Pulling both across the body and turn around and pull away from the body. Strengthened my shoulder but did nothing for the tear. Wasn't the rotator cuff, something called a SLAP tear. Forget what the SLAP stands for.