Stretched Hides

Got a lot of work done on my critters this past weekend. I was able to pull two of my beaver off of stretchers and flesh out two more and get them stretched. We also got about 5 coons done and two fox as well. Not sure why we didn't take pictures of the coons and fox stretched but oh well. Here is some of the progress.
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Looks like some premium hides! Well done. I've always been intrigued by fixing up hides, but I've never committed myself to doing so and probably never will. #-o ...but maybe some day.
Looks like you did a great job Pete. :thumb
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Good looking hides. I was wondering, do those beaver keep thier waterproofness-ness when you get done with them?
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Nice job. Lots of meticulous work.
pretty cool.
are you going to sell them?
how much do beaver hides go for? fox? coon? coyote?
pretty interesting, i wish i had the time to learn that hobby, but my wife thinks i have to many hobbys as it is :-k
i think i'd keep one of those stretched beaver hides for myself, they do look pretty good :thumb
As you know i am sure the market rises and falls year by year. This years market is great for furs!
Average Eastern Beaver are going for $19.37 with a high of $160.00.
Eastern Coyote: $28 up to $74
Heavy coyote: $73 up to $330
Red Fox: $24 up to $80
Grey Fox: $24 up to$52
these numbers are from the February 22nd auction.
I was going to save one of my large prime Beaver pelts to tan and hang on a traditional Willow hoop for the wall. I just don't have the time this year. There is always next year though! Plus I have that nice female Bobcat to either have mounted or tanned for my wall!