stupid people

how many of you guys heard of this guy shooting his bow up in the air yesterday in tabiona. well as most of you know what goes up must come down. well the arrow ended up striking him in the chest and had to go to the hospital. not the brightest crayon in the box or the sharpest tool in the shed :) ](*,) lol. i just thought its funny so dont be stupid out there guys and gals
Thats the nice thing about them. They kinda just weed themselves out of the geene pool naturaly. :)
Lord I apoligize for that there remark and be with the starving pygmies down in new guinie (sp)
I'm surprised it didn't kill the dumb sap right on the spot. I have to admit I once shot an old recurve in the air when I was ten and I lost it in the sun and ran for cover. I guess I am almost as dumb as the moron that tried it with broadheads during the hunt.

P.S. It sounds like another guy making a bloodtrail without recovering a deer.
MTQUIVER, there's a difference between doin' it as a kid and doin' it as an adult...LOL. You would THINK that the adult has the brains enough to think about it BEFORE he tries it. A kid will always try it first and think about it later..
We used to cut wooden arrows about half as short as normal, put regular dart heads on them, and use them in our sling shots to hunt squirrels. I once cut one too short so when I pulled it back it came off the "Y" and wobbled up and down. I figured it was fine because I would just shoot when it "wobbled up". Well, it didn't work too well because when I let 'er loose, instead of flying true, it went right into my left hand (The hand I was holdin' the slingshot with). My grandfather had to jerk the arrow out himself (He didn't believe he needed a doctor to do it...LOL) all the while screamin' about how "these darned kids can't stay outta trouble". Boy, I'll NEVER try that again!
haha in your hand. that had to hurt
Believe it or not, it really didn't hurt until I looked at it. In fact, I wasn't sure where the arrow went until my friend started freakin' out.
lol that cracks me up
me and nephew used to shoot arrows in the air but we didnt shoot it striaght up se held the bow at an angle! ya its fun but that guy is the biggest retard for doing that! especially he is an adult and you would think that he is smarter then that unless he is handicaped!
After my friend and I got back into archery hunting he pulled that bone headed trick. His reason was that his old bow wouldn't shoot the arrow high enough that you would lose sight of it. He didn't think that this one would do it either. ](*,) Needless to say that dissapered quicker the a little debbies cupcake in Rosie O'donell's dressing room. Man what a bad feeling knowing that the arrow is up there somewhere and not knowing where it would come back down at. After a couple of minutes we heard it hit the ground about forty yards away. Told him if he did that again I'd just shoot him and get it over with.
:)) :)) :)) :)) :funny-post
"that dissapered quicker the a little debbies cupcake in Rosie O'donell's dressing room."

lol :)) :)) :) :)