Success rate of bowhunters for 2010

The general archery season is about over except for a few extended areas. I am just curious as to what the success rate is on this board for the archery hunt.

Any animal, it doesnt matter... elk, deer, antelope... whatever you had a tag for.
Any size... doesnt matter either, I am just curious as to how many of us fill our tags each year.

I know there are some who will not shoot a first year deer, no matter the circumstance. But if you dont mind reporting what tag you had, if you were able to fill it, and what you got, that would be cool. I am interested to see the success rates.

I will start...

General Utah Archery Buck tag. Tagged a little forkie on the last day I will be able to hunt
General Utah Archery Buck - I was able to tag a 25 1/2" 3x4 that I am more than happy with! Got him about 2 weeks ago.

General Utah Archery Buck - My little brother was unable to get one yet though a couple oppurtunities had been presented.....his first year hunting and buck fever got the best of him! So we'll try the extended for him.
"firefighterbraun" wrote:General Utah Archery Buck - I was able to tag a 25 1/2" 3x4 that I am more than happy with! Got him about 2 weeks ago.

General Utah Archery Buck - My little brother was unable to get one yet though a couple oppurtunities had been presented.....his first year hunting and buck fever got the best of him! So we'll try the extended for him.
I saw your buck... great looking deer. Congrats.

Tell your brother not to worry. I have taken a number of deer and missed a chance at a great buck on opening day because of buck fever. I think it hapens to the best of us.
I would be curious to know too. For 2009 General Archery Success was 17% and Muzzleloader was 29% and rifle was 30% just to put things in perspective.
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33% in my party. I took the Labor Day Bull . The two other guys i hunted with in Oregon came up empty. They did have quite a few close calls though.
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9 hunters in my party, with 2 tags filled - I took my first archey buck (3x4) and the other guy took a spike. Others missed shots.
hunted a total of 5 days. couple good stalks. no venison for me though. its my first year archery and i have learned more in one year of archery than 10 years of rifle. excited to give it a shot again next year.
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My wife and I 100% during Utah archery.
CO archery deer. 1 tag, 0 deer.
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The only one I am hunting, deer, hasn't opened here yet. A week and a half til it does.
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1 deer and 1 elk

100% for me this year. I better go to Vegas as I am extremely lucky this year
1 Pronghorn,
I haven't hunted deer yet.
Utah General tag, No kill
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Washington Archery Tag. 1 Doe for me.
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Wife and I both shot deer in Idaho Open Archery Hunts. filled the freezer.
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Mark me down for unsuccessful for the year. My buddy was also unsuccessful. So that's two more for that category.
I had four archery tags this year and did not harvest.

General Utah Deer. Idaho Unlimited Antelope. Idaho General Elk. Idaho General Whitetail.
was chasing turkey with my bow but never could get any on public land....

Was chasing a good sized bull and didnt want to settle for anything to small so went away empty handed but the extended season isnt over yet!
Me and my son, two archery elk tags, one dedicated hunter deer tag and one archery deer tag. Some close calls, a 6x6 bull in a spike unit #-o , a shot but not recovered doe, and a lot of fun. Like Hardstock above, learned a ton. But no meat lol
Utah Archery - Took a meat buck
South Dakota Archery - Five days of rain, fog, snow and 40 mph wind = No deer!
Wisconsin - Took two Whitetails but nothing for the wall
I had my one CA tag...Half day hunt, one arrow and one buck! (@)
My son and I each had two CA archery tags a piece.......we filled all four of them.

Had a CO archery tag.......not filled.

Still have an AZ tag........I'll be trying to fill come December 27th.
Hunted NM Unit 15 3rd season for elk, came up empt handed. Pursued two 340+ elk all week, passed on several opportunities for some smaller 6x6's with the hope of taking one of the larger trophy's. Great hunt for DIY'ers if you are lucky enough to draw a tag.
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California B zone archery tag with 5 days to hunt . . . . not filled.

Washington West side archery elk . . . . 4x5 Bull

Washington general archery deer . . . .2x2 Blacktail
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One eastern whitey 8pt and one doe. Missed more than I care to admit though....
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I had a colorado resident bow either sex either species tag. Filled it on Nov. 14th. Took at 225in monster mule at 35 yards!!!!
"QS31archery" wrote:I had a colorado resident bow either sex either species tag. Filled it on Nov. 14th. Took at 225in monster mule at 35 yards!!!!

Pics???!! And maybe a story while you're at it! :))
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"firefighterbraun" wrote:
QS31archery wrote:I had a colorado resident bow either sex either species tag. Filled it on Nov. 14th. Took at 225in monster mule at 35 yards!!!!

Pics???!! And maybe a story while you're at it! :))

Check out the mule deer general page and scroll down to WOW factor buck. I also posted a couple more pics on the archery page under CO monster muley.
general archery deer and elk tags in oregon.
killed a 320 6x7 bull and a breakfast sausage buck.
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Hubby had a California Archery Only tag ( open to hunting any non-draw zone)...hunted all archery season, once in A zone and then a bunch in dice...tag can be used all the way through general season, and he finally tagged a buck on the last day of the season for the year (October 31st). Nice big 3.5 year old forked horn blacktail hybrid in zone D4...field dressed around 135 pounds. Since that was the only tag he had purchased, he went 1 for 1 :)
1 ram tag. 1 dead rocky.