Summer's almost here

We can now see the deer moving around... LOL
Speaking of snow. We've had very little in the northern Utah. It could be a banner year for carry over deer. I hope we can get another very wet spring. [-o<
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I'm about ready for a change. Been up to NM three times this winter to shovel snow off of my cabin roof to keep it from caven in. This weekend in Dallas we got a foot or so and these people just don,t know how to deal with it. Pulled a half a dozen dazed drivers out of ditches with my Kabota tracter while I was trying to clear my road from the paved road to the house. Thought I never would get my road cleared.
Ya i seen that ridge. I left the basin here a few weeks ago to head out your way and was very surprised at how little snow there was there. Here in the basin though we still have quite abit even though it is starting to melt a little bit.
92, I don't know how you can stand that deep freeze over, year after year.
That's what I ask my relatives in the Midwest...storm after storm. I like it back there but man they have a very Tuff six months.