summer trap line
1/24/06 8:22pm
Hi All, Treetop here. I'm a-bow-nut's brother and he turned me on to this site. It looks pretty good.
He showed you a few of the hundreds of elk pictures from last years scouting, so when I figure out how to post up a picture or two I'll show you a nice buck that came in to one of the springs when the elk moved out.
These trail cams are almost like running a summer time, catch and release trap line. It adds one more fun demention to our outdoor experence.
He showed you a few of the hundreds of elk pictures from last years scouting, so when I figure out how to post up a picture or two I'll show you a nice buck that came in to one of the springs when the elk moved out.
These trail cams are almost like running a summer time, catch and release trap line. It adds one more fun demention to our outdoor experence.
WELCOME! I for one have really enjoyed having your brother around. Those ELK pictures where simply awesome, loved all of them. Look forward to having you around and seeing those buck pics.
And one more.
Hope you all enjoy.
Andy HECK YES I enjoyed the photots, that is a great buck. Looks like some great cheaters.
So these didn't come in until after the Elk left is that correct?
I found this spring about 20 years ago. I was stumbling through the brush and popped out into the spot where the spring is. It was about 2:00 PM and as I came out of the brush I jumped a nice 4 point buck off the water.
I was way excited with my find and it has been one of my most favorite springs for years.
In the last ten years or so the elk herd here has grown so big that they have filled in all over this whole range and now all of the good springs in the high country are covered with elk and almost no deer.
I had a camera on this spring for 3 months this summer.(You might recognise the background from some of the pictures that A-BOW-NUT posted earlier with some of the elk pictures) During the summer I got between 300and 400 elk pictures from that camera.
As best as I could tell there were about 18 different bulls using that spring. I got one picture of a cow and calf elk and one with two cows and there was one old doe and a fawn that came in once in a while. Every thing else was bulls, and not a spike in the bunch.
I was pretty excited because my son had an archery elk tag.
Just before the hunt started the bulls shed their velvet and started to rub. (note: you can put your camera about any where you want while they are in the velvet but when they shed you'd better have them back behind a log jam or up high enough in a tree that the bulls can't reach them.)
When the rub was under way the bulls headed out to find the cow herds and the spring went almost dormant. then just about the end of the archery hunt the deer started coming back in. when I got the camera out and found the pics of this buck there were also 5 smaller bucks and a bunch of does and fawns that had moved in when the elk were gone.
Using these cameras through out the summer was not only fun and a lot of good excersise but I also learned alot about the elk and their cycles that I never knew before.
All in all a real good time.