sur loc sportsmen single pin and others

Any one use one of these or have? If so how did u like it? Pros cons? I'm looking into trying a one pin slider this year but not sure about only having a single pin when spot an stalking seems like it would add more room for error having to slide it every time. some people worry about having enough time to knock an arrow range move slide and pick a spot do u think it could be the deciding factor on taking home a trophy or some tag soup? Would like to hear everyones opinion there experience with this sight and others. I appreciate the feed back thanks.
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I've never used one but I have the same doubts/questions you do. I'm usually hunting fairly thick stuff and barely have time to range let alone adjust a sight so I kind of like my fixed pins for that reason. But if I were hunting more open country or from a stand/blind and knew that I'd have time to adjust the sight I'd probably give it a try.
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I have no experiense in the sure loc sight but i actually just put a single pin on my new target bow hoyt maxxis 31. i did some research on a few diffrent ones and ended up getting the new BLACK GOLD ascent ambush sight. Did not take long to sight in at all and i love it a lot easier then having seven pins to focus around all you do put it on the yardage you want to shoot and shoot also helps with those odd yards you dont have to aim high or split pins any more. I could also tell my groups were tighter at longer distance and can shoot farther too. As far as hunting goes have not had it on any hunts but i could see myself using it very easy to change yards but cant change it if at full draw and the animal spooks to shoot further i would just hold a little high. I got it for more 3 d shoots and off season shooting but might go on my carbon element this year for hunting.