surgery over

well i made it through shoulder surgery this morning. they ended up cutting the end of my collar bone out and using donated ligament to tie it inplace where my ligament and tendon were broken.
heres hoping for a good recovery so i can get back in an have them fix my ankle again. Ive got a lot of healing and rehab before this fall gets here.
Man your sure getting some crazy stuff done, how you mess up your shoulder?
Glad to hear that it went well my friend! Now you need to get the ankle done and heal up before hunting season rolls around!
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God bless.
Sure glad things went well for you pete. Amazing what medicine can do now days. Listen to your PT, they are awesome! Best of luck on the ankle. :thumb
heres hoping all heals up well before this fall!
That's too many surgeries. If you have to do it anyway, you should go bionic. Then instead of stalking, you can chase you game down. lol

In all seriousness, best of luck on a quick recovery.
I hope you are back to 100% soon there friend.
I'm sure there is a really interesting story behind the surgery. Fill us in when you can. Here's wishing you quick and full recovery.
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[quote="sneekeepete"]well i made it through shoulder surgery this morning. they ended up cutting the end of my collar bone out and using donated ligament to tie it inplace where my ligament and tendon were broken.
Hi My name is Bruce, my call sign is Patch. I am almost %90 after my second shoulder surgery. I decided I didn't want to go another year not bow hunting, so I figured out how to shoot my bow any way. I designed a head harness, and found a design that I modified so I could trigger my release with my mouth. Even though I could not use my shoulder, I went Antelope, Elk, and Mule Deer hunting. I live in Boise Id, if you are around this area let me know, if not I'll make some pictures so you can see what I am talking about. This contraption is set up so a one armed person can shoot their bow. Patch