Survey Results - What think ye?

Okay here are the results from the survey I put together.

THANKS to all you who participated and took the survey.

Read through them carefully if you have time and lets here what you guys think.

I'll be honest I haven't had a chance to analyze the results yet myself, but it's some GREAT data in my opinion regardless of the outcome or whether it helps Utah's Mule Deer Management.

We had/have 202 members take the survey.


Here is the link to the PDF file...
Interesting tid bits on the survery...(in case the PDF is to confusing or long to get through)

I haven't checked my results for errors yet (please correct me if needed)
  • 98.5 % males
    most were 27 and above taking survey
    66% had Associates degree/Tech school or higher
    52% have hunted 16+ years in Utah
    63% reside in Northern or Central Units
    Regions hunted most with archery equipment was Southern at 27.23%
    40.10% felt there was NO overcrowding problem in their region (28.71% said YES)
    29.21% felt there are in TROPHY stage of hunting, and 59.90% in Sportsman stage
    45.05% want a 4-point or bigger each year
    Archery tags numbers stay same
    Muzzleloader tag numbers stay same
    Rifle tag numbers DECREASE - whopping 63.37 percent
    64.85% not happy with current management system for Mule Deer in State
    No favor of law restricting ATV use during hunts for STRICTLY big game removal
    Number of Deer on hunts seen satisfaction (1-10 scale) was 3 at 17.33% (10 being highest/good)
    Size of Bucks on hunts seen satisfaction (1-10 scale) was 5 at 18.81% (10 being highest/good)
    Length of deer season on hunts satisfaction (1-10 scale) was 5 at 21.29% (10 being highest/good)
    Dates of deer season on hunts satisfaction (1-10 scale) was 5 at 17.82% (10 being highest/good)
    Hunters afield on hunts satisfaction (1-10 scale) was 5 at 25.25% (10 being highest/good)
    Mule Deer management plan should be updated/changed every 2-3 years 38.12%
    Would micro-management Utah's game units be supported? YES 68.81%
    No support for hunting every other year. NO 63.86%
    Support increase in TAG PRICES to improve quality/lower hunter numbers? YES 53.96%
    Support different deer seasons like Colorado? YES 57.92%
    Support creating more LE units? NO 50.99%
    Change point system in Utah (similar to Nevada) YES 59.90%
    Eliminate Statewide archery tag to region choice? YES 52.48%
    Elk herds having negative impact on deer? NO 52.97%
    61.39% have never been involved in Utah's dedicated hunter program
    55.94% would like to see a MANDATORY harvest report for all dedicated hunters.
    No support for re-certification of Hunter Safety program 66.83%
    31.68% scout 20+ days per year in Utah
    38.61% spend 1,000-5,000 per year on deer hunting related expenses each year
    A WHOPPING 94.06% would support an increase in Mountain Lion tags to help control deer populations
    62.87% don't feel that modern hunting aids violate "fair" chase ethics
    88.61% would report poaching incidents (11.39%) said NO - I find this disturbing but at least they were honest about it.
    81.19% don't have access to private hunting land
    25.25% belong to the NRA and 48.02% don't belong to any hunting organization
    18.32% feel the DWR is at a 5 on a 1-10 scale of PERFORMANCE in managing Utah's Mule Deer
    52.97% feel that Shrinking Wildlife Habitat is the biggest threat to Mule Deer Hunting in Utah
    Hunting Laws and regulations is second with 18.81%
    Predators is third at 12.87%
    Highway Collisions is 4th at 7.92%
    79.70% would favor CLOSING certains areas/units to help mule deer herds
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Thanks for the post Brett. Are you going to sumbit the resulte to the DWR? It will be interesting to see how they respond. I will be honest, a lot of the results were more even than I would have guessed.

45.05% want a 4-point or bigger each year

Size of Bucks on hunts seen satisfaction (1-10 scale) was 5 at 18.81% (10 being highest/good)

Length of deer season on hunts satisfaction (1-10 scale) was 5 at 21.29% (10 being highest/good)

Dates of deer season on hunts satisfaction (1-10 scale) was 5 at 17.82% (10 being highest/good)

52.97% feel that Shrinking Wildlife Habitat is the biggest threat to Mule Deer Hunting in Utah

79.70% would favor CLOSING certains areas/units to help mule deer herds[/list][/quote/]

those i find the most interesting!!

45% of us want a 4pt or better, what % of "us" 45 shoot 2 and 3 pts? it seems that on average people are happy with the quality of deer, and are happy with the dates and season length

89% want to close certain areas, so my question, how does that make it better??

"Stripnut" wrote:Thanks for the post Brett. Are you going to sumbit the resulte to the DWR? It will be interesting to see how they respond. I will be honest, a lot of the results were more even than I would have guessed.

does anyone else have anything to say?

I find it interesting that 11% wouldn't report poaching, I can't remember how the question phrased but I seem to remember something about turing in friends and family. That may have something to do with the results.? (???)

I used to be in favor of the Micro-managment idea until I went to the UBA meeting. After listening to Anis-sp? (From the DWR) explain that they already "managed" on a unit by unit basis, we just don't hunt them that way-I changed my opinion. As I remember it he explained that from bioligical/management standpoint we wouldn't really gain anything, especially since we are at or above objective on the majority of units across the state. At least that's what I got out of it.