Survey Says - UTAH DWR
7/3/08 10:11am
Please take if interested, I'm curious to your responses and thoughts...
After taking this I think I might make my own and see what you guys think? (not that I didn't like this one, thought it was very good)
After taking this I think I might make my own and see what you guys think? (not that I didn't like this one, thought it was very good)
The one thing I was disappointed in though is they did not ask if I would be in favor of more, smaller hunting boundaries. I would love them breaking the big areas down to just a few hundred people per area instead of everyone with a northern tag heading to the Uinta and everyone with a southern tag heading to Fishlake and the Puan's area's
I agree with you about having smaller hunt boundaries inorder to spread the hunters out, they are way to big as they are right now. I'd acutally prefer smaller units and possibly a statewide draw system coupled with smaller units, similar to what Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado have. But that's just me.
I hunt in an area where atv's are restricted. I spend hours hiking in and still see people riding in. Unless they enforce the law it doesnt do much good to have it.
sure i wish there were big bucks in easier places to access and i hope they can figure it out, but till then ill be waiting here hoping they dont mess up a good thing i have going