Sweet 16

Today is my 16th birthday and for my presents I recieved:
Nikon Trailblazer 10x50's
Whisker Buiscut; Sure Shot

And a knife that my dad gave me, engraved with my initials and date i revieved it. The knife is a 1985 Gerber, Folding sportsman III. He has only skinned one elk with it and he gave it to me to skin all my animals. I love today!
Happy Birthday. Sounds like it was a good one.

I hope that knife sees an abundance of action in your many years to come.
Springville Shooter
Congrats young man! Sounds like you have alot to be thankful for. Enjoy these great, carefree years of your life and see what you can do about putting some wear on that knife before your son gets it. ------SS
Fun day, happy b-day!
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Sounds like a great birthday!