Sweet .17
7/17/07 10:48pm
Finally got cool enough to shoot the new .17hmr tonight,the first three shots fired at 50 yards almost touched each other(see pic),I dialed it in and fired 5 more shots shooting a group right at 1",after a few more of these i moved back to 100 yards and shot several 1.5" ,5 shot groups.I am shooting the CCI TNT hollow points.This rifle shoots better than any rimfire I have ever owned,I shimmed the stock a bit to make the barrel clear the wood and lightened the trigger pull a bit,thats it,and thats all Im going to do,this rifle is AWSOME!

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/newCZSHOOTER.jpg " alt="" />

Hey NONYA, How's the muley bucks doing? seeing any?